The New Gutenberg
Adobe Systems CEO John Warnock launched a desktop publishing
revolution that arguably rivals the influence of Gutenbergs
first printing press more than 500 years ago. Although Warnocks
future is focused on Internet publishing, his legacy is grounded
in the ancient history of printing.
"The art of printing secures us against the retrogradation
of reason and information."
Thomas Jefferson, 1811 John Warnock, the co-founder and visionary
of Adobe Systems in San Jose, is by all accounts a quiet,
unassuming man. Few who first meet Warnock would guess that
this former mathematician toppled the entrenched print media
industry by unleashing a desktop publishing revolution.
In many ways, Warnocks accomplishment parallels the
towering achievement of Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the
first printing press with movable type in the mid-15th century.
Prior to that time, scribes were hired to hand-copy each new
book, line by line.
"Back then, the book was not a tool of communication,
but a repository of information and very expensive stuff,"
Warnock said. "Books used to be only for the clergy or
the very, very rich."
Gutenbergs invention in his hometown of Mainz, Germany
forever altered history by opening up the storehouse of knowledge
in books to the masses, thereby reducing the information stranglehold
enjoyed by a small circle of scholars and priests. For this
reason, the Archbishop of Nassau decided that printing was
not in the best interests of the Catholic Church and ordered
his soldiers to sack Mainz in 1462. The Archbishops
plan backfired, however, as local printers fled the city and
spread the technology of printing throughout Europe.
After perfecting the method of movable type, Gutenberg used
his press to run off some 200 copies of the Bible on parchment.
Today, all of the remaining Gutenberg Bibles are safely preserved
in institutions. The last one to be auctioned off fetched
$5 million in 1982, but Warnock estimated that the originals
are worth closer to $50 million each today.
"This started the whole process of using the printed
word as a communication tool," he commented. "It
was the start of the Enlightenment."
Whereas Gutenbergs press greatly expanded literacy,
Warnocks software allows anyone with a home computer
to produce high-quality publications, eliminating the need
for expensive printing presses and publishing houses.
"The success of Adobe is due in large part to our deep
respect for the past, for the graphic arts tradition over
the past 500 years," Warnock explained. "If we lose
sight of that and only focus on the computer, well lose
a lot of the history and beauty in our publishing past."
Warnock co-founded Adobe Systems with Charles "Chuck"
Geschke in 1982. The duo developed a series of best-selling
software products for the creation of texts, graphics and
electronic documents. In so doing, they turned Adobe into
the publishing software industry leader. Today, Adobes
signature products include Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive,
Premiere, PostScript, Pagemaker, InDesign, LiveMotion and
Warnocks innovative leadership earned him an induction
into the Computer Industry Hall of Fame in 1998. In addition,
Graphic Exchange magazine ranked Warnock and Geschke as the
seventh most influential figures in graphics history over
the last millennium.
Adobe is now the third largest PC software company in the
U.S., with annual revenues in excess of $1 billion and more
than 2,800 employees worldwide. The company is highly regarded
for its focus on employees. In April, Adobe was named one
of the "Top 10 Companies to Work For" by Inter@ctive
Week magazine, and Fortune magazine ranked Adobe 42nd this
year in its list of "The 100 Best Companies to Work for
in America." In addition, Adobe has been recognized by
President Bill Clinton for its ongoing efforts to promote
diversity in the workplace.
Warnock credited employee relations for playing a critical
role in the companys overall pattern of success.
"Our employees are what Adobe is all about. They are
our greatest asset," he said. "We go to extraordinary
lengths to retain them. Competitive compensation is part of
it, but this also involves mutual respect and valuing them
and their lives as people outside of work. Weve never
been big on burning people out. Weve always been big
on home life. We have tried to run the company extremely ethically,
both with employees and customers."
Craig Cline is vice president of content for Seybold Seminars,
which hosts the worlds largest and most prestigious
events for the digital publishing industry, with annual gatherings
in Boston and San Francisco. Cline said he has long admired
Warnocks approach.
"Ive known John since I joined Seybold in 1987.
Hes always been a premier participant in our events
in the industry. He is among the driving forces in getting
desktop publishing off the ground," Cline said. "Through
it all, John has been a guiding light and a constant in the
publishing universe. He has been one of the seminal figures
in the publishing industry, writ large by the wonderful democratizing
effect of desktop publishing."
The story of the desktop publishing revolution begins in
the late-1970s at the fabled Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC), where Geschke was manager of the imaging and sciences
lab and Warnock was a principal scientist who assisted in
developing standards for graphics imaging.
Warnock and Geschke were among the many brilliant scientists
who transformed the Xerox research facility into a legendary
Silicon Valley hotbed of innovation. The groundbreaking work
at Xerox PARC led to numerous critical developments for computing
and publishing, including the invention of the mouse, Ethernet
networking, and the computer server. All researchers at the
facility were plugged into networked PCs with electronic printers
at a time when the rest of the nation was still dancing to
disco music.
"At PARC, we lived in the office of the future, with
e-mail, in 1978," Warnock recalled.
During his stint at PARC, Warnock invented a device-independent
printing technology which became known as PostScript. Simultaneously,
Xerox PARC introduced the first graphical user interface (GUI)
with windows and collapsible menus, allowing non-programmers
to easily navigate through electronic tasks without relying
on complex computer languages.
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was the first to recognize the
enormous market potential of the graphical user interface
when he glimpsed the Alto computer prototype at Xerox PARC.
Of course, Jobs went on to successfully commercialize the
GUI concept with the launch of the Macintosh in 1984.
Two years earlier, Warnock and Geschke left Xerox PARC to
found Adobe. Much like Jobs with his Mac, they knew that their
open page language had tremendous commercial potential, so
they decided to manufacture and market it.
Warnock approached Jobs in 1983 regarding a partnership between
their fledgling companies. Jobs convinced the Apple board
to buy 19 percent of Adobe to support the new open architecture
print technology, which allowed printers to interface with
computers. Apples investment in Adobe led to the release
of PostScript, the centerpiece of desktop publishing, in 1985.
PostScript is now regarded as the worldwide standard for reliable,
high-quality printing.
"The idea behind PostScript was to present a protocol
or language for describing how you want the page printed in
such a way that it wouldnt force you to decide every
detail, such as the size and number of pixels, or the shadings
of color," Geschke explained. "It provided a very
uniform, high-level application that allowed the layout of
pages independent of the printing device."
Previously, proprietary vendors sold unique layout tools,
so users were locked into expensive setups for the lives of
their systems. For the first time, PostScript gave graphic
designers an opportunity to buy various components for their
printing needs from different vendors. At the time, this open
source approach was a novel concept in the publishing industry.
"Every time we brought out a standard for PostScript
or graphics for the Web, we always published the specifications,"
Geschke said.
Despite these remarkable advances, Cline said most people
in the publishing industry still regarded PCs and Macs as
"They were toys until Adobe and Apple collaborated to
create the Laserwriter with Adobe PostScript fonts built into
it. This was the first alternative to the million-dollar systems
out there," Cline said. He called this collaborative
breakthrough "the proverbial acorn in the crack of the
"The acorn grows into a small sapling that can get stomped,
or if overlooked, it can grow into a big tree," he said.
"Previously, most people couldnt go into publishing
because the barrier to entry was too high. This new development
was a huge, democratizing, leveling type of change. With these
applications, anyone could publish for $10,000."
The Macs graphical user interface greatly simplified
computing, and its combination with Adobe PostScript and PostScript
applications turned the desktop computer into a potent yet
affordable graphics workstation. Within a decade, PostScript
had overturned conventional design, typesetting and pre-press
Warnock cited four major developments that led to the success
of desktop publishing. They included the graphical interface
of the Apple Macintosh, the development of Adobes PostScript,
the introduction of the first low-cost laser printer by Canon,
and Paul Brainerds 1985 invention of Aldus PageMaker,
the first desktop page layout program. With these tools, virtually
anyone could publish fliers, newsletters, magazines or any
other kind of documents, thereby relegating all the old-fashioned
printing presses that were descended from Gutenberg to the
dustbin of history.
"The three of us started to see desktop publishing opportunities,"
Warnock said of Jobs and Brainerd. "All of this came
together and it was the beginning of the end for the old way
of doing things."
The old way of doing things was perhaps best exemplified
by Aldus Manutius, from whom Brainerds company took
its name. Manutius followed Gutenberg as the next great figure
in publishing history, setting up the Aldine Press in Venice
to produce an extensive series of Greek classics in the 1490s.
Manutius then became famous for the invention of italic type,
which went into extensive use in the early 1500s.
Most importantly, Manutius invented portable books, thereby
encouraging the practice of reading among working people.
Previously, all books were large, cumbersome volumes bound
by heavy wooden and iron coversnot exactly trashy beach
reading. By 1516, though, smaller handheld books were rolling
off the presses.
"The nifty thing about this was now books were portable,"
Warnock enthused. "Now information started to move throughout
Europe. For the first time, information was accessible to
the common man. The price came down, so literacy started to
In addition to empowering commoners, the printing press greatly
accelerated the progress of science and technology.
"New ideas started to propagate. Newton would read Galileo
and they would both read Copernicus. Scientific information
was exchanged," Warnock said. "Great things started
to happen with books. It is wonderful to see how these developments
spread. These books were not only great artifacts and testimonies
of discovery, but also more of a window on the world."
Warnocks interest in the history of publishing and
typography increased during a trip to London with his wife
Marva and son Christopher. That journey resulted in Warnocks
self-described obsession with book collecting.
"My wife and family and I were in London in 1987 for
an antique fair when we came across Mags Bookstore in
the Berkeley Square area," Warnock recalled. "My
son found a copy of Euclids Elements, the first English
printing, from 1570. It had these wonderful geometric figures
and pop-ups to demonstrate the geometry. I flinched when I
looked at the price, but Adobe had just gone public so Marva
said, Go ahead, buy it."
That initial purchase led to Warnocks preoccupation
with rare book collecting, which he defined as "a bona
fide disease."
"I was quite happy with the Euclid edition, but then
you get home and put it in your bookcase," he said, pausing
and smiling for the punch line. "When it is the only
one of its kind on the shelf from the 1570s, you look up and
say, You know, the book needs friends."
And so Warnock became hooked. He soon discovered that all
kinds of ancient books are available for sale through exclusive
auction houses.
"You really can buy the first edition of Newton or Galileo,"
he said. "They are rare, but they are on the market.
Ive been dealing with dealers for the last 15 years.
My collection includes books that changed the world."
Warnocks amazing library features titles from some
of the greatest thinkers in Western civilizationNewton,
Copernicus, Kepler, Machiavelli, Hume, Berkeley, Kant, Descartes,
Shakespeare, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
Some of the books are written in German or Latin, which Warnock
cannot read, but he said he buys an English translation of
each one so that he can understand the contents. Due to his
love of books, Warnock founded Octavo Corporation in Palo
Alto in 1997. Octavo creates CD-ROMs to show every page of
rare books and manuscripts in a digital format.
During his career, Warnock became increasingly interested
in the long history of typography and graphic design. In fact,
his wife Marva is a graphic designer whose work helped Warnock
to shape such leading graphics programs as Adobe Illustrator.
"I really appreciate typography," Warnock said.
"Im not just coming at it from a purely technical
point of view, as I appreciate the history of the art."
As if to demonstrate his commitment to history, Warnock showed
off his stunning copy of Summa Theologica by St. Thomas Aquinas,
from 1468.
"Its not fragile," Warnock said in an understatement,
holding up the hefty tome bound in solid wooden covers, complete
with metal clasps and an iron chain. "You can actually
feel the texture of the type from printing. You dont
put this book in your pocket or take it to bed at night, but
you do chain it to the library wall."
The Warnock collection also includes the first edition of
the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in three volumes. The first
volume only covered the letters A and B, while the other two
volumes featured terms from the rest of the alphabet. Warnock
guessed that the encyclopaedias original editors only
realized the scope of their undertaking after the first volume,
and therefore decided to minimize the project over the next
two volumes.
Perhaps Warnocks most precious holding is the first
broadsheet edition of the Bill of Rights, which was printed
in Maryland. Warnock obtained it from a dealer in Baltimore
who spent three months researching the legitimacy of the document.
Only seven surviving copies of the Bill of Rights are known
to exist, and all are preserved in institutions except for
the treasure owned by Warnock.
The company name, Adobe Systems, was not derived from clay
brick dwellings of the Southwest, but rather from Adobe Creek,
which winds behind Warnock and Geschkes houses in Los
Altos, where they have lived as neighbors for nearly three
decades. Warnock and Geschke sought out various other names
for the company, but all were taken so they settled on Adobe.
Geschke has a strong personal background in the printing
field, as his father and grandfather were both letter-press
photo engravers.
"Growing up, I never knew my father without ink on his
hands," Geschke recalled.
Now 60, Geschke retired as Adobes president in March,
but he still shares co-chairman status with CEO Warnock, who
is slightly younger at 59. Geschke described their lengthy
professional relationship as "a complete partnership,"
and although Warnock is often perceived as the technical visionary
and Geschke as the operations boss, they actually shared both
responsibilities over the years.
"One of the reasons for our success was that we could
be 100 percent substitutes for each other," Geschke said.
"Its neat having such strong mutual respect for
one another. We usually agree. Of course weve had different
points of view sometimes, but weve never had a major
falling-out. Weve maintained a strong friendship through
all these years."
Geschke and his wife Nan remain close friends with Warnock
and his wife Marva. When asked how the two Adobe chieftains
deal with their enormous success, Geschke said, "Were
married to wives who keep us humble."
Unfortunately, the four friends underwent a terrifying ordeal
in humility in 1992, when Geschke was literally kidnapped
at gunpoint for five days.
Upon receiving the news, Nan Geschke and the Warnocks discussed
their options. Despite apprehensions about death threats,
they approached law enforcement authorities for help. An FBI
behavioral psychologist coached Geschkes daughter to
drop off a knapsack filled with $650,000 in ransom money on
the beach near Fort Ord at midnight.
FBI agents soon rescued Geschke from his captors closet,
and although he was physically unharmed, he said he suffered
great mental and emotional anguish from the incident. The
culprits, a 26-year-old Syrian named Mouhannad Albukhari,
and a 24-year-old Jordanian named Ahmad Mohammad Sayeh, were
captured and convicted for kidnapping, robbery and making
terrorist threats.
"My wife called John, who made a decision urging my
wife to go to the FBI when I was kidnapped, even though death
threats had been made against my family," Geschke said.
"I never want to have to return that favor, but if forced
to, I would certainly do so."
Despite that terrible incident, Geschke remains upbeat about
Adobes success and his years of devotion to the desktop
publishing industry.
"The wonderful gift that Adobe gave to John and I was
the ability to have an impact on the world. Very few people
in their working lives have that opportunity," he commented.
"You almost cant pick up a piece of visual communication
without our technology in it, be it newspapers, magazines,
movies, ads, packaging, commercials or catalogs. Thats
pretty amazing."
Warnock said that when he was growing up, there was only
the Sears, Roebuck and Company catalog.
"Now, you know all those catalogs that you get deluged
with every day?" he grinned. "Well, were responsible
for that."
Indeed, the alliance of the big three "A" companiesAdobe,
Apple and Aldusresulted in an explosion of printed materials
including the mail catalog craze, for better or worse.
Aldus founder Paul Brainerd recognized that personal computers
would be far more efficient in designing pages than expensive
printing systems. He coined the term "desktop publishing"
and set out to replace expensive proprietary layout systems.
After building Aldus into a $250 million per year software
maker, Brainerd sold the company to Adobe in 1994.
Meanwhile, Tim Gill, the inventor of Desktop Color Separations
(DCS), created QuarkXPress in 1987. That program soon overtook
PageMaker as the de facto standard for page layout projects.
Quark followed PageMaker to market by two years, and Warnock
said that extra window of time allowed Quarks developers
to create a basic extensible setup, which simplified the addition
of new features.
"Everyone from church newsletters to the New York Times
were using Quark," Cline said. "Adobe tracked that
whole revolution."
Now Adobe is ready to battle back with a new page layout
application, InDesign, which was released last fall. Like
Quark, InDesign is customizable and Warnock thinks it will
be "a serious contender" as the two products compete
Adobe has a long track record as a leader in all facets of
digital publishing. Illustrator, the industry standard for
illustration software, was first released in 1986. That success
was followed in 1989, when Adobe acquired PhotoShop, the preeminent
software for image editing.
The introduction of FrameMaker in 1998 added a high-end technical
documentation tool that allows users to publish lengthy, content-rich
documents across various computer platforms. Also in 1998,
Adobe acquired GoLive, a Web authoring program that provided
the company with its first Internet platform.
Other winning programs include Adobe Type Manager, which
organizes typefaces, and Adobes Portable Document Format
(PDF), known as Acrobat, which is the software standard for
sharing cross-platform files.
In recent years, Adobe has worked toward a complete integration
of all these related programs to make them interact seamlessly.
Essentially, Warnock and Geschke created a one-stop software
empire that provides tools for all aspects of content creation.
Warnock attributes much of Adobes enduring leadership
to this comprehensive integration strategy.
"We provide products to service more aspects in this
space than anybody else," he said. "When you look
at all aspectsvideo, animation, film, print, CD-ROMswere
integrating these products so they work really well with each
other. Thats really the major secret of our success."
In addition, Warnock said that branding and customer relations
have always gone hand in hand.
"Were very careful never to dilute our brand,"
he said. "All along, we paid a great deal of attention
to the reputation of our products and how we treat customers."
For example, Warnock cited Microsoft as a famous brand name
that has been severely diluted in recent years.
"Originally, Microsoft was associated with an operating
system, then PC software, and now its associated with
all kinds of random stuff," he said. "We dont
stand for other products, apart from our core mission."
The Internet is the latest medium in the long history of
publishing, as it combines the traditional components of page
design, text and imagery with newer tools including sound,
animation and interactivity. While the Net hit a home run
for consumers and businesses, it was a great big curveball
for desktop publishing companies.
"The Internet was good news and bad news," Warnock
recalled. The good news was the 1992 launch of Acrobat, a
pioneering Adobe product for collaborative document sharing.
Acrobat allows documents from different sources to be viewed,
annotated and printed from any computer.
"At the time, there was no such thing as broad-based
Internet usage. When the Internet exploded in 1994, everyone
figured out what Acrobat was good for," Warnock said.
"The Web clearly enabled the growth of document interchange
and Acrobat, which became one of our major products."
The bad news, obviously, was the need for the publishing
industry to grapple with the unique nature of a completely
new medium. Warnock said "every [Adobe] product has been
moving closer to the Web" since then, in an attempt to
unify the companys graphics offerings.
"The question became, how do you make the transition
from traditional publishing and accommodate all the different
media typesdocuments, photos, sound, video, graphics
and animation?" he said. "Most people want to reuse
their assets, such as stories, clip art, logos, films or videos.
You dont want to author for print and then separately
for the Web. The place where all of that comes together is
at the component or asset level, not at the user level. Thats
where our software comes in. Corporations realize that a lot
of assetsphotos and video clipsneed one common
set of tools. Thats where every corporate head is."
Adobe has plowed deeper into the Web field with its new LiveMotion
software, which won the "Best of Show" award at
the Spring Internet World 2000 conference in Los Angeles.
LiveMotion gives Web developers a flexible tool to create
interactive graphics and animation on the Web.
"Nobody on the professional publishing side has gotten
into Web publishing as aggressively as Adobe," Geschke
said. "Macromedia has gotten in very aggressively, but
it is an Internet company."
Adobes LiveMotion now competes directly with Macromedias
Flash technology, which is used to develop hot Web sites with
the addition of more motion, color and sound.
In just a few short years, it seems that the Internet has
turned everything inside out, including book publishing. Stephen
Kings recent best-selling novella, Riding the Bullet,
was sold exclusively as an e-book using the Adobe PDF format.
This event signaled the dawn of a new era in publishing, as
writers could not only self-publish books, but also distribute
them over the Internet too.
When some 400,000 downloads of Kings e-book buried
Amazon,com on the first day of sales, analysts forewarned
a startling change for the economics of book publishing. Warnock
noted that King no longer required a publisher to reach his
audience. He could just as easily have cut a deal with Amazon
or Yahoo, eliminating the primary intermediary between authors
and readersnamely, publishers.
"Distribution models are changing very dramatically,"
Warnock said. "Everybody is trying to disintermediate
each other. Well see where it ends."
Warnock predicted blurring roles for news, entertainment
and education as the Internet, television and video become
more intertwined. However he still views the Web as more of
an information conduit than an entertainment tool.
"Will the Internet kill print? Not at all. Its
never going to happen. Will the Internet kill TV? No, but
it will change their roles. The Internet is a new publishing
medium that is not rehashing TV or newspapers. It is a new
medium with a new authoring component," he said. "TV
came along, but radio didnt go away. Radio came along,
but newspapers didnt go away. The Internet came along,
but publishing will not go away."
At the same time, Warnock recognized that most people in
the Internet Age do not rely on the daily newspaper for their
stock quotes anymore. He reasoned that consumers will continue
to depend on newspapers and magazines for in-depth coverage
and analysis, but theyll go to CNN or a Web site to
pick up the latest breaking news.
"The explosion of printing over the last 20 years has
resulted in the democratization of publishing," Warnock
observed. "People began to realize, we can start our
own magazine. Now the Internet is the ultimate democratizer
of information. You can get whatever you want."
The Internet phenomenon has resulted in other tangible benefits
for Adobe, apart from creating markets for completely new
software products. Like any good appliance, the Net has succeeded
in streamlining a wide range of human tasks.
"Within our company, we pretty much run paperless, with
250,000 e-mails per day," Warnock said. "We dont
FedEx documents, we dont fill out forms. All of this
made us far more efficient. The boom in our economy is not
a mystical boom. It is a flat-out productivity boom."
Warnock remains optimistic about the Webs potential
to cross-pollinate existing communications platforms. For
instance, he predicted that the Internet soon will allow video
clips and sounds to be mixed into books, much like a DJ sampling
from old records.
"Its not hard to put a movie or animation or sound
into an electronic book. Well see new media expressions
that will exist in the ether of the virtual world. Were
already going through a new Enlightenment," he said.
"The Internet has obviously shown us theres a whole
new way to navigate information. You can do massive searches
across tons and tons of information. Books never allowed that."
After so many years of balancing cutting-edge technology
with a deep respect for history, Warnock is extremely proud
of Adobe and its rightful place in the annals of publishing.
"I think theres a big component of publishing
that has changed because of Adobe," he said. "Nearly
every single catalog, newspaper, magazine, TV program, advertisement,
movie and Web site that you see has a piece of Adobe technology
in it. I believe we have been instrumental in changing the
world of communications. What could be a greater legacy than